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I Believe…

Holly WittenbergThat a beautiful handbag, a gorgeous pair of cascading earrings and a killer pair of heels can transform an outfit.

That pretty, is pretty does.
That fit is the most important part of selecting an outfit.
That everyone should be unique and true to oneself.
That you can wear any color as long as you incorporate some of your natural coloring around your face.
That everyone cares what they look like but some care more than others.
That inspiration comes in many forms.
That confidence and a smile are the most fashionable accessories.
When you get tired of a room you should paint it or get new pillows to add some new life to the room.
Buying good classics are an investment.
That you should splurge every so often those items will be your most prized possessions.
That you should always “pay it forward”, be charitable and be kind to our Mother Earth.
That you should be open to trying new things and step outside of your comfort zone.
That chocolate solve problems.
That family and our health is all that truly matters in life.

My Family… My Life!

My boys…

My love and soul-mate…

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